Hugo Tags Filter

byPointy Far


Filter Hugo posts using multiple tags.


Not tested on sites with a very large number of posts.


See Demo, with tags and sections filters:

Demo with tags only, and using Masonry:


Step 1

Create an empty content file.

hugo new

Set the layout to use in the frontmatter of

layout: filterdemo

Don’t forget to set draft: false.

Step 2

Set up html layout and the js config:

  • Create new layout layouts/page/filterdemo.html.

  • Initialize HTF, passing an optional config object:

var htfConfig = {
  filters: [{
    name: 'tag',
    prefix: 'tft-',
    buttonClass: 'tft-button',
    allSelector: '#tfSelectAllTags',
    attrName: 'data-tags'
  showItemClass: "showItemClass",
  filterItemClass: "filterItemClass",
  activeButtonClass: "activeButtonClass"
var htf = new HugoTagsFilter(htfConfig);

Tags and section filters are configured by default, but you can use as many filter categories as needed.

  • filters : array of config for each filter set. Each config object needs:

    • name : filter identifier

    • prefix : Each term toggler button needs to be assigned a unique ID. The prefix is used to identify terms belonging to the same filter set, e.g. tags-post, tags-weather, tags-random are tag filters, sect-post, sect-documentation are section filters.

    • buttonClass : Class attribute applied to button togglers. Must start with the prefix.

    • allSelector : Selector for the Select All X button.

    • attrName : Data attribute name to use to identify items.

  • showItemClass : class to apply to items to signify that they should be visible.

  • filterItemClass : class applied to items to indicate that it is included in items to be filtered.

  • activeButtonClass : class to apply to button toggler to signify active status

Step 3

Define a few variables:

{{ $pages := where .Site.RegularPages "Type" "in" .Site.Params.mainSections }}
{{ $sections := .Site.Params.mainSections }}
{{ $tags := $.Site.Taxonomies.tags.ByCount }}

Define other filters you want to use, e.g. Authors.

Optionally, define an untagged “tag” to catch items that have no tags defined.

{{ $.Scratch.Set "untagged" 0 }}
{{ range $pages }}
  {{ with .Params.tags }}{{ else }}{{ $.Scratch.Add "untagged" 1 }}{{ end }}
{{ end }}

Step 4

For each filter set you want to use, generate buttons (or your preferred element) to use as toggles. For each button:

  • Assign an id beginning with the prefix defined in its config.

  • Assign the class defined as buttonClass.

  • Set onclick="htf.checkFilter()", passing as parameters the term and the prefix

{{ range $tags }}
  {{ if .Term }}
      id="tft-{{.Term | urlize}}" 
      onclick="htf.checkFilter('{{.Term | urlize}}', 'tft-')">
      <span>{{.Term }}</span>
      <span> ({{.Count}})</span>
  {{ end }}
{{ end }}

Add a ‘Select All x’ button as well.

  • Set onclick="htf.showAll('x')"

  • Assign an id matching the configured allSelector

<button id="tfSelectAllSections" onclick="htf.showAll('section')">
  All Sections
<button id="tfSelectAllTags" onclick="htf.showAll('tag')">
  All Tags

Step 5

Generate the list of items to filter.

  • Assign the class configured in filterItemClass

  • Give data attributes for each filter set, using the attrName defined for each set.

{{ range $pages.ByPublishDate.Reverse }}
  <div  class="tf-filter-item" 
        data-tags="{{ with .Params.tags }}{{ range . }}{{ . | urlize }} {{ end }}{{ else }} tfuntagged{{ end }}"
        data-section="{{ .Section }}"
    <h4><a href="{{ .RelPermalink }}">{{ .Title }}</a></h4>
{{ end }}

Step 6

Save and run hugo server if not already running. Navigate to localhost:1313/filterdemo/


  • Improve documentation

  • Test with taxonomies

  • Add function to update tags counts

  • Test with paginations involved

  • Possibly add option to choose AND vs OR

  • Add deselect all option